Depending on which system is chosen for your website development, we can provide affordable and secure hosting solutions. We have worked closely with our partner web host company, Ontinuity for many years and are able to help you find the right hosting package for your website and email boxes.
Our websites are fully compliant to the W3C WAI (web) standards meaning that your website will conform to the Disability Discrimination Act and will include the legal documents (e.g. accessibility policy) necessary for your website without any extra charge plus the added benefit that it will perform better in the search engines.
If your business has particularly acute security requirements we can support you. Directors within Sambecketts retain close working relationships with experts in securing highly sensitive Data.
Our partner company, Ontinuity, can provide high layers of web security, such as the Citrix Netscaler Application Firewall. Citrix® NetScaler AppFirewall™ is a comprehensive ICSA certified web application security solution that blocks known and unknown attacks against web and web services applications. NetScaler AppFirewall enforces a hybrid security model that permits only correct application behavior and efficiently scans and protects known application vulnerabilities. It analyses all bi-directional traffic, including SSL-encrypted communication, to protect against a broad range of security threats without any modification to applications.